Monday, June 24, 2013

William-Sonoma Artichoke and White Bean Salad

For extra flavor, sprinkle the artichoke hearts with olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast for 15 minutes in a preheated 400°F oven.
For the dressing:
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
1 tsp. ground fennel seeds
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1 package frozen quartered artichoke hearts,
2 cans (each 15 oz.) white beans, rinsed
 and drained
1 small red onion, diced
2 celery stalks, thinly sliced
2 Tbs. chopped fresh oregano
To make the dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, mustard, red pepper flakes and fennel seeds. Season with salt and pepper. Let stand for at least 30 minutes or up to 4 hours to allow the flavors to blend.

In a large bowl, combine the artichoke hearts, beans, onion, celery and oregano. Add the dressing and toss to coat the salad evenly. Transfer the salad to a serving bowl or, for transporting, pack in an airtight container. Serves 8.

Make-Ahead Tip: The salad can be prepared in advance, covered and refrigerated for up to 24 hours. Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving.

In class it was made as follows:
For the dressing:
1 cup Artichoke & Lemon Pasta Sauce
1/4 tsp oregano
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
1/2 a bunch parsley, chopped
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

2 cans (each 15 oz.) white beans, rinsed
 and drained
1 small red onion, diced
2 celery stalks, thinly sliced
2 plum tomatoes, diced
1 seedless cucumber, diced

To make the dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together the first six ingredients. Season with salt and pepper. 

In a large bowl, combine the vegetables. Add the dressing and toss to coat the salad evenly. Transfer the salad to a serving bowl. Serves 8.

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