Monday, June 11, 2012

Aunt Pick's Vegetable Salad

½c white vinegar
½c vegetable oil
1c sugar
1t salt
1t pepper
Bring to a boil, stirring frequently – set aside and let cool

1 can whole corn
1 can early English peas
1 can  French style green beans
1 jar pimento (smallest jar) (omitted)
Drain all juices from vegetables

2 stalks celery – chopped
1 medium green bell pepper – sliced thin (2 slices (1/4 in or thinner) - diced small)
2 slices (1/4 in or thinner) red bell pepper - diced small
1 slice orange bell (1/4 in or thinner) pepper - diced small
2 bunches green onion (white part only) - chopped (use entire onion)

Pour all vegetables into a large bowl and mix together.  Pour liquid over vegetables and mix again.  Add a small bit more sugar if needed to get a sweet tangy taste.
This tastes best when made at least one day before needed.

Black text is the original recipe

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